Discover Global System Analysis for Security Operation Center

An AI-Driven SoC  Solution

our R&D Native & modular 360° Ai-SecOps Solution

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NKINDA GSA SOC is a revolutionary AI-driven operational security platform that redefines threat management through intelligent automation. By integrating AI into security operations workflows, we offer a proactive, automated approach to threat detection, investigation and response (TDIR).

Our Security Operation Center (SOC) combines the power of AI with advanced automation to monitor, analyze and respond to threats in real time, ensuring complete and uninterrupted protection of our customers' systems. With NKINDA GSA SOC, you gain access to the most advanced security solution on the market, capable of adapting to evolving threats and continuously protecting your critical assets.

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Core Features

- Visibility into cloud application usage and shadow IT detection
Running  in-depth analysis of the applications used in your cloud infrastructure, NKINDA GSA SOC offers complete visibility of resource usage and detects unauthorized activities, such as shadow IT. This guarantees total control and maximum transparency, protecting your business from hidden risks.

- User access control
Managing user access is essential to maintaining system security. With NKINDA GSA SOC, you benefit from granular control of access rights, ensuring that only authorized people access critical information, reducing the risk of internal or external intrusion.

- RGPD compliance
Compliance with data protection regulations, including the RGPD, is guaranteed through the rigorous application of security policies. NKINDA GSA SOC assists you with compliance and risk management for sensitive data, ensuring a secure legal framework.

- Security threat alert
In real time, NKINDA GSA SOC detects and alerts on any emerging threat, enabling immediate reaction to potential risks. Alerts are prioritized according to severity, ensuring a rapid response to the most critical incidents.

- Malware detection
Our SOC is equipped with advanced algorithms to identify and neutralize malware before it infiltrates your systems. Thanks to continuous monitoring and accurate detection, your environments are protected from the most sophisticated cyberattacks.

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NKINDA GSA SOC is positioned as the ultimate solution

for managing current and future security challenges. With a unique combination of AI-driven technologies, advanced automation and powerful features, we offer our customers 360° protection in an ever-changing digital world.

Cloud-native Architecture

NKINDA GSA SOC is designed to take full advantage of the cloud. This cloud-native architecture ensures maximum flexibility, automatic scalability and seamless integration into hybridand multi-cloud environments, giving you unified protection wherever your assets are.

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Security Log Management

Security log management is central to our solution. NKINDA GSA SOC collects, aggregates and analyzes security logs from all your infrastructures, giving you centralized visibility and actionable information to prevent attacks before they happen.

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Open and Extensible Platform

Our platform is open and extensible, allowing you to easily connect the tools you already use. NKINDA GSA SOC supports hundreds of products, both on-premise and in the cloud, as well as various data transport protocols (APIs, agents, syslog, SIEM). This flexibility ensures seamless integration into your existing environment.

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Prescriptive, Outcomes-focused Use Case Coverage

We don't just react to incidents. NKINDA GSA SOC provides prescriptive, outcomes-focused use case coverage. Our algorithms are designed to anticipate threat scenarios and propose preconceived solutions for maximum efficiency.

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Automated Investigation Experience

NKINDA GSA SOC's Automated Investigation Experience speeds up the investigation process by automatically gathering relevant information on security incidents. This feature saves valuable time and significantly improves the speed and accuracy of responses.

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Powerful Behavioral Analytics

Our advanced behavioral analytics detect even subtle anomalies and suspicious behavior within your systems. Thanks to this analysis, NKINDA GSA SOC identifies internal and external threats before they become critical, ensuring proactive protection of your assets.

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Nkinda AISecOps Module: Reinforcing Use Cases with AI/Machine Learning

This feature harnesses the power of AI/Machine Learning to continuously improve security use cases. Nkinda AISecOps Module enable an automatic analysis of threat models and the constant evolution of algorithms. It can adapt and refine its attack/cyberdefense scenarios, enabling more accurate detection of emerging threats.

AI/Machine Learning: by learning from past incidents and behaviors, improves the accuracy of detections and automated responses. This ensures that your security infrastructure is always up-to-date and proactive in the face of new threats, while reducing false positives. With this advanced capability, you benefit from a dynamic, scalable defense that adapts to changes in the digital environment and the growing sophistication of cyberattacks.

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The solution will ensure ease of use and integration across all various IT domains, including it also comes along with portable executable files.
• RAN (Radio Access Network)

This interoperability will allow seamless integration and usage across different technological environments and systems in all domains

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The solution will support task and process orchestration to facilitate bulk system changes, ensuring:
• Automated deployment and configuration management.
• Consistent and error-free updates across multiple systems.
• Streamlined processes for large-scale changes and migrations.

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Week 1

- Audit & analysis of existing
- Identification & elaboration of

Week 2

Start of dev /+ integration

weekend delivery.

Week 3

Validation tests & Delivery


Evaluation & observation

TREE (3) WEEKS of DEV / Core Module

Success Stories-Telecom

-Performance analysis of web services

-Online  Charging  System  integration support

-Collect &  provide tuning LOG Tshoot Analysis

-Integration  on Open service  Gateway

- Integration   support for Backbone IP/MPLS

- Integration   support for Core  Network

Intregration of  Nkinda GSA SOC

Three Possibilities of deployment

- portable software

- On premise SaaS

- Cloud SaaS

Hardware specification
8 core CPU
Disk: 2 Tera

Contracts and confidentiality

NDA :Confidentiality agreement

Sale of software licenses

Technical support contract

Phased approach

The implementation will follow a phased approach:
• Phase 1: Assessment and Planning - Assess current systems in all domains, define requirements, and plan implementation.
• Phase 2: Integration and deployment – integration and deployment of the site reliability solution software across all domains.
• Phase 3: Testing and Validation - Conduct rigorous testing to validate functionality and performance.
• Phase 4: Training and Continues Integration and Deployment - Train staff and deploy the solution across the organization.
• Phase 5: Monitoring and Optimization - Monitor performance and optimize the solution based on feedback

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Expected Outcome

• Improved System Availability - Achieve near 100% uptime.
• Efficient Fault Management- Faster detection and resolution of issues.
• Enhanced Performance Monitoring - Real-time insights into system performance.
• Proactive Incident Management - Predict and prevent potential incidents.
• Continuous Improvement - Leverage historical data for ongoing optimization.
• Seamless Interoperability - Smooth integration across various IT domains.
• Effective Orchestration - Simplified bulk system changes.
• Optimized Network Planning - Data-driven network design and optimization.
• Comprehensive Performance Analysis - Real-time monitoring and KPI tracking with visualization tools.

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Critical GSA SOC Solution Operational KPI

The solution will address several crucial SRE operational KPIs to ensureoptimal performance andreliability, including:
• Mean Time to Detect (MTTD): The average time taken to detect an incident. Reducing MTTD helps in quicker identification of issues.
• Mean Time to Resolve (MTTR): The average time taken to resolve an incident after it has been detected. Lower MTTR indicates faster resolution capabilities.
• Service Level Indicators (SLIs): Metrics that measure the performance of a service (e.g., latency, error rate, throughput).
• Service Level Objectives (SLOs): Targets set for SLIs that define acceptable performance levels.
• Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Formal agreements that set expectations for service performance between service providers and customers.
• Change Failure Rate: The percentage of changes that result in degraded service or require remediation. Lower rates indicate more successful changes.
• Error Budget:The allowable amount of downtime or errors within a specific period, derived from SLOs.
• Incident Rate: The frequency of incidents occurring within a specific timeframe. Monitoring this helps in understanding system stability.
• Availability: The percentage of time the system is operational and available. High availability is crucial for user satisfaction.

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Evaluation Criteria

The success of the PoC will be evaluated based on:
• System Uptime - Measurement of system availability.
• Alarm Prioritization Accuracy- Reduction in false positives and accurate grading of alarms.
• Fault Resolution Time - Reduction in the time taken to resolve faults.
• User Feedback - Feedback from system administrators and users.
• Performance Metrics - Improvement in key performance indicators (KPIs) such as MTTD, MTTR, SLIs, SLOs, SLAs, Change Failure Rate, Error Budget, Incident Rate, and Availability.
• Interoperability - Successful integration and usage across various IT/ network domains.
• Orchestration Effectiveness - Efficiency and accuracy of bulk system changes with zero tolerance to downtime
• Network Planning Optimization - Quality of insights and improvements in network planning.
• Visualization and Analysis - Effectiveness of real-time monitoring and KPI tracking through visualization tools

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